I've had the joyous honor of playing with Media Blitz at a show I set-up here in Oxnard locally for them and must say that I've also seen them three times. One being Gross Negligence's last show with Raw Power and the other being Gnarmageddon Fest 2011.
Anyways straight to the punk. or should I say hardcore? For those that don't know Media Blitz was originally a pure punk band. When Rob Beverly (Guitarist of Constant Struggle) banged the skins for them?. Media Blitz shouldn't even need a introduction, but for those Ventura locals reading this. Shay Gutierrez (Singer of Dogends) said [Media Blitz is like the Orange County Dogends, just way sicker.]
Enough of the trivia let's get straight to the review
For fans of their first EP "No Regrets" you will not be disappointed. Blaring guitar shred skills fall into place during wicked sick solos matched with the frustrated ramblings of Jason Schwartz (Singer of Media Blitz). You have your traditional combination of fast-riffage intwined with break-down heavy outros with something unusual for most hardcore bands.. Guitar solo's? Yeah as stated before they are wickedly sick.
P.S. they are playing Gnarmageddon 2012 in Berkley and Santa Ana this year in June also. Be on the look out!
Listen to Media Blitz on Bandcamp here: http://mediablitz.bandcamp.com/
Written by John Williams