Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gross Negligence - R.I.P. EP

[Stage Dives and High Fives] As Joey Mercado (Singer of Swellbow) would say undoubt to this raunchy 7 inch that blares a sound reminiscent of the California sound from 2006 - 2010. Being one of the last releases by Flat Black Records (Discography to be reviewed entirely in the near future), Gross Negligence does not disappoint!

Opening with Skate the Apocalypse; the banter of a hardcore prolific monologue reminiscing the end of teen angst is heard to follow through with a a general hardcore intro that follows with machine gun drumming and crude-hearted vocals fighting at a unequal peak. Similar to the Pure Hate EP (Dogends) the recording is noticeably of a raw-like quality that is reminiscent of early 80's hardcore with analogue 8 track technologies. 

Free Emilio is an example of the general speed-punk minor pv tune that a majority of bands in punk/hardcore use. Simple, fast, and has something the audience can shout in repetition. Ever had a friend go to jail? Wanted to do more than put his name on a t-shirt? How about chant the phrase over and over again at a punk rock show?

Restly the next 4 tracks bring to discussion tough assholes at shows (Tough Guy), stressful situations (High On Stress - Originally off the GN Demo), destructive mentalities (Smash it Up), and like everything else (Decay). 

Fans of bands of early nardcore bands (RKL, Ill Repute) or California hardcore punk bands in general I would personally advise you check-out these San-Diegan's last release.

Download: Gross Negligence - R.I.P. EP here!

Written by John Williams

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